We’re here to serve you…
Stop in and catch up on an old hobby, learn a new one, socialize with friends, meet new people, increase your knowledge, while becoming and staying fit through our health & exercise classes offered and much more.
Musicians 101 Game Room
Bingo Line Dancing
Bingo Bonanza Movie Matinee’
Aerobics Quilting Guild
Craft Class Woodcarvers
Adaptive Yoga
Book Club SherDen Fitness
Strength Training Chair Volleyball
The Breakfast Tribe Blue Bonnet Brigade
If you have any questions about receiving our monthly publications or need more information about our program please call 903-892-7316 or you can reach by email at:
Deena Lowry / Activities coordinator / deenam@ci.sherman.tx.us
Carrie Tyler / Activities Assistance / carriem@ci.sherman.tx.us
Fleeta Bray / Activities Assistance / fleetab@ci.sherman.tx.us